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Companion Animal Client Registration

Thank you for considering our practice for your pet's veterinary care. Our dedicated veterinarians and staff will be more than happy to provide you with veterinary care.


Please carefully read through our terms and conditions provided below, Due to the high volume of emails and potential new clients signing up with us, any incomplete or inaccurate information will be discarded and not followed up on.


We offer 24/7 after-hours emergency services to our existing clients only. Please note the after-hour services are only extended to clients with a valid patient-client relationship and are in good standing. This means that we see them at minimum once yearly during regular clinic hours (Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm) and there is no outstanding balance on the account. 


Please note that payment is due at the time of service, we have a mobile credit/debit payment terminal available for mobile service appointments. Invoices that are left unpaid after 30 days from the date of service may result in your account being sent to a collections agency, as well as your account will be terminated with no reinstatement.


Please note that completing this form does not make you officially a client of Talbot Road Veterinary Services. Our staff members will be going through the information that you have provided, to ensure that you are within our service coverage area as well as that we have not gone over our maximum capacity. If you are contacted by one of our staff members, please note that you will not have access to our regular bookings or emergency after-hours care until we establish a Valid Client Patient Relationship (VCPR).


If you are having a medical emergency,  please continue to follow your current veterinarian's after-hours procedures until you are verified by one of our staff members that you are eligible for our services.


Please fill in the information provided below to begin the process of becoming a client of Talbot Road Veterinary Services.


In the "Your Pet's Information" Paragraph box, Please use the following format for each pet that you have.









Thank you in advance for reading through our guidelines and procedures, as well as your understanding and we hope you have a great day




Talbot Road Veterinary Services

Pets Name : 

Date of Birth : (if unknown then approximate age) 

Breed : 

Gender : (Intact Male/Neutered/Intact Female/Spayed)  

Mobile Service Coverage Area

Provided to the right of this paragraph is our mobile service coverage area. Talbot Road Veterinary Services will only respond to calls within our boundaries outlined in Red.


Unfortunately, if your animals are located outside of our service area, we are not making any exceptions to expand our boundary lines.


We do apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you, but we thank you in advance for your understanding

TRVS Mobile Service Area

Success! A confirmation email will be sent to you shortly, Thank you in advance and have a great day!

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